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European agroproducts Controlled  horticultural & agricultural  Products for  a safe healthy  nutrition

Foodsafety under this label for your controlled health and save nutrition.  

About Eurofreshproduce 

Eurofreshproduce is a project about cooperation and initiative by European freshproducers. We promote the increase of public conscience about the quality of fruits and vegetables in Europe’s high food security standards. Europe is a zone with a high production level and transparency in the production progress of secure food.

Some of the world’s main fruit and vegetable producers are located in the south of Europe, and they provide excellent results on the field with of melons, peaches, nectarines, kiwis, oranges, lemons, grapes and many other products.

But also North Central Europa and its producers have a significant participation in the total production and high quality variety, like apricots, cucumbers, cabbages, apples, pears, plums, pepper, tomatoes, etc.…

Companies with added services in production, like certified carriers, the packaging industry and fertilizer manufacturers, etc. contribute to a safe production and a good distribution with a continuous cold chain.

Eurofreshproduce proposes a series of events and initiatives for its members, the commerce and  consumers from all around the world to create conscience and security about the origins and trajectory of these quality and fresh european products.

With our actions of direct promotion, we increase public conscience about the quality of our environment and the variety of fruits and vegetables with the high food security standards of Europe.   It is important to highlight the cultural characteristics of the target market to be able to succesfully promote local actions.

The high requirements of our food and sanity laws do almost automatically certify us as secure producers and in a more sustainable way. In Europe we produce by Law or voluntarily, depending on diverse Seals, Certificates and Social or Environmental Norms for example:

Eurofreshproduce offers a Brand based on Certified Quality Seal with European origin that emphasizes on its members products packaging.

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